Connecting Hunters around the World
Hunters from around the world connect with each other through different mediums: from our social media and quarterly online Zoom calls to our biannual Clan Hunter International Gathering. At Clan Hunter we strive to facilitate connection and friendship through our Genealogy Project and by giving you the space to reach out and get in touch with your Hunter cousins.
Ian Hunter, who joined our recent Zoom call back in September, gave us some interesting information about another way of connecting up with people from around the world. Useful for us Hunters too!
Here in Ian’s own words, he tells us how.
I grew up in the Midlands and then moved to the North of England. My mother originated from Banff, in the NE of Scotland. My father knew he was of Scottish origin, from several generations before, but did not explore his heritage.
For many years I taught in and around the London area, before I retired to Cambridge UK.
I became more involved with Clan Hunter during the Covid period, when I started to join the periodic Clan Hunter Zoom meetings, which I find fascinating.
Connecting with the rest of the world
My other passion is foreign travel. Over 30 years ago, on a walking holiday in northern Portugal, I shared a room with someone who explained about SERVAS, which is an international hosting organisation founded by two Danes, just after WW2.
Their motive was that the organisation would help foster international peace, by having people from other countries staying in each others homes.
For the last 30 years I have hosted people from all over the world, including Australians, Canadians and Americans. I have been hosted by people in many European countries , and have stayed several times with SERVAS hosts in many parts of the USA.
Connecting Hunters
In the last clan Hunter Zoom meeting I joined, it was suggested that I draw clan members attention to SERVAS, which could form a useful way of clan Hunter members hosting people in their own homes, visiting Scotland, or indeed other parts of the world.
Further details can be found on our website:
A lovely way to connect with each other. Thank you Ian for sharing this. If there are any other Clan Hunter members who would like to share their connection experiences or any other story in your journey to join up with other Hunters, then please let us help you to share them.